Monday 6 December 2010

Dreamy holidays

I'm quite liking the weather at the moment. Here in the north west we haven't had it too extreme - and today, sitting in an office 5 storeys up somewhere in Liverpool looking out across a park and church I really couldn't have had a prettier view anywhere. The area is covered in trees which today were 100% white - I wish I'd had my camera as it is so hard to convey in words - white delicate lace, a winter wonderland conjured up by Disney....all cliches, but so apt today. On my way home, the motorway was foggy and ethereal, and I realised I quite love this season when the weather's like it's the Christmas season just as it should be. I would miss this if I lived on the Cote D' of the few things admittedly. It also kind of makes me think of the holidays to come, the long summer days, lazing away your time soaking up the sun, leisurely lunches, candlelit dinners outdoors...aaahhh bliss.

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